By Peter Royall; East Road, Wimbledon

It was disappointing to see that Deen City Farm had given up on their minibus due to the impending Low Emissions Zone (LEZ).

Smaller vans and Minibuses with diesel engines, and manufactured before 2001, have to comply with the LEZ from January 3, 2012. Historic (pre 1972) and Showmens vehicles are exempt.

However it can be seen that Minibuses with seven seats or less, do not have to be compliant with the new rules!

If the vehicle can still be useful with seven seats or less, take out the extra seats, and re-register the vehicle with the DVLA.

Send a copy of the registration document, with a covering letter to TfL at Worthing, and an exemption certificate will be produced. Simples.

I know this is valid information, as I have done it, faced with a similar problem myself.

Whatever you do, do not put the extra seats back in afterwards, as you would be leaving yourself open to prosecution.

I understand ,and agree, with the Government’s stance on driving down the PM10 levels in the atmosphere. I am an asthma sufferer myself.

However (as in my own case) these vehicles are often owned by Charity organisations and used sparingly; sometimes only once or twice a week at most and only for short journeys.

They contribute very little pollution but are an extremely valuable contribution to the community.

It’s not everyone that uses these vehicles for profit and to replace them with something costing thousands of pounds is just not practical.

I hope that the information that I have pointed out, will be of use to someone out there, and good luck with it.

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