By Councillor Jeff Hanna, Chairman of Merton Council's Children and Young People Scrutiny Panel (Labour, Pollards Hill ward)

Open Plea to Stephen Hammond MP

Dear Mr Hammond,

The Treasury has acknowledged that the number of children in poverty will increase by up to 100,000 as a direct result of the Chancellor’s Autumn statement.

On behalf of those children in Merton who will be among that 100,000, I ask you to use your influence as a Conservative Member of Parliament to reverse that decision.

In June 2010 George Osborne, within his 'emergency' budget, committed the government to keeping up the battle against child poverty.

He pledged to increase the child element of working tax credit by £110 above inflation. His Autumn statement breaks that promise.

Child Poverty Action said of the statement, “Britain’s poorest families have been abandoned today.”

The Children’s Society, Save the Children, 4Children and Barnardo’s have all deplored the Chancellor's package.

The 100,000 children now due to enter poverty is in addition to the 300,000 that the Institute of Fiscal Studies already expected to enter child poverty as a result of the Chancellor’s previous cuts.

In Merton, we have a diverse population, with some of the wealthiest of our society living nearby some of our poorest families.

The Chancellor’s package will result in the poor becoming poorer, while not a penny more has been taken from the top 10 per cent of earners.

Merton’s Childrens, Schools and Families Department already supports children whose needs are inadequately met, who are vulnerable to abuse, who are tempted towards criminality or substance abuse, and whose poverty massively reduces their life chances.

More children entering poverty will increase that need at a time when government grant to the Council is being dramatically reduced.

I ask you to persuade the Chancellor to think again, and to protect our children from poverty and from its consequences.

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