Responsible dog owners want people to stop dragging their name through the mud.

Dog walkers in Nonsuch Park have taken to picking up other dogs mess as well as their own to keep the park tidy.

Bags of dog poo are routinely hung from trees or thrown in bushes, which has prompted a councillor to call on owners to be more responsible.

Cheam Councillor Mary Burstow was out last weekend with a friend picking up dog mess, and was critical of dog walkers, who she sees as 'paying lip service' to picking up their own dogs mess.

She said: "Some owners can not be bothered to walk the 20 metres to a dog poo bin. Their lazy actions give all dog owners a bad name."

Councillor Burstow said it should not be down to the council to place dog bins every ten metres to encourage dog owners to be more responsible.

She said: "The council can not afford to put in hundreds of bins, if you are a dog owner, picking up its mess goes with the territory."

Last week, Coun Burstow and her friends Janice Kent and Lesley Eyes gathered bin bags, donned the rubber gloves and collected 20 little "toxic time bombs".

She said: " People should jolly well be more responsible, imagine if a child was walking along and picked one of these bags up. Something needs to be done."
