Local people can submit their views on the big housing issues in the borough as the council considers important changes to Town Hall housing policies.

An online survey gives residents the opportunity to have their say on how social housing should be allocated and how first-time-buyer initiatives can be improved.

Councillor Guy Senior, Wandsworth Council’s home ownership spokesman, said: “The Government’s move towards localism is putting powers back in the hands of local councils. In Wandsworth we want to use this opportunity to help frustrated first-time-buyers access the property market.

"We also plan to reform our social housing allocation policies so they encourage and reward people who are working or learning new skills.

"Currently around two thirds of council properties are allocated to unemployed residents and we don’t think that’s fair on low income families who need a home just as badly.”

For more information on home ownership schemes in Wandsworth call the Home Ownership Team on (020) 8871 6016/8171, email housesales@wandsworth.gov.uk or visit wandsworth.gov.uk/homeownership> To take part visit wandsworthmatters.co.uk/uc/housing_futures1>