A car thief and a man who fired an airgun at a member of the public are among this month’s most wanted.

We are publishing their faces to help police track them down.

Last month’s appeal led to the arrest of one of the five published and police are following up leads in relation to one other.

Dayne Pepperrell, James Brown, Myung Hardy and Simas Ubartas are still wanted.

Gavin Arnold Your Local Guardian: Gavin Arnold Gavin Arnold, 34, has been a wanted man since 2009 for possession of an imitation firearm, which he aimed and fired at a member of the public and at a parked car.

Police believe he is working as a builder in Chessington and it is believed he is travelling around the borough in a dark coloured van and has several links to the Tolworth area.

Karim Marwane Your Local Guardian: Karim Marwane Karim Marwane, 34, is wanted for a distraction theft that took place in Kingston town centre on October 8, last year.

He elbowed the victim in the face, causing minor facial injuries and was apprehended by officers and arrested but he failed to return on police bail and has been outstanding for nearly a year.

Sharon Smith Your Local Guardian: Sharon Smith Police believe that 38-year-old Sharon Smith is frequenting Chessington and surrounding areas and are very keen to speak to her concerning two offences.

The first being aggravated vehicle taking between July 18 and 24 this year, where the victim’s car was driven away, with damage caused and items stolen.

She is also wanted for shoplifting £57 worth of toiletries from the London Road branch of Boots on August 18 this year.

Tina Price Your Local Guardian: Tina Price Tina Price, 25, is believed to be living in Epsom but retains links to Kingston and is wanted for the theft of a mobile phone on June 10, this year.

Mark Russell Your Local Guardian: Mark Russell Mark Russell also known as Mark Young, 47, is wanted for assaulting his ex-partner on November 21 this year.

Anyone with information on any of the individuals should contact Kingston police on 101 or anonymously through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.