Surrey’s Christmas drink-drive campaign has been officially launched and is reminding motorists of the consequences their actions.

In Surrey, about three people a month are killed or seriously injured as a result of drivers impaired through drink or drugs, and the temptation for people to drink and drive increases over the festive season.

The campaign, which is part of Surrey Police and Surrey County Council’s Drive Smart initiative, will see police stepping up activity and target men between 17 and 29 because they are statistically more likely to drink-drive.

Inspector Chris Colley, head of the roads policing unit, said: “Officers vigorously enforce the drink-drive law every day, but with all the socialising that takes place over the festive period there can be an increased temptation for people to drink and drive.

“Young drivers are more likely to be tempted to get behind the wheel of a car after having a drink or risk still being under the influence of alcohol and driving the following morning after a night out.

“They might feel fine but could still have alcohol in their system. Either way, if caught, they face the same consequences.”

Last year 1,131 drivers were breath-tested in Surrey during the month-long campaign, when 50 arrests were made.