Film enthusiasts seeking alternatives to normal cinema listings will have some extra choice over the next two months.

Campaigners for the Save the David Lean Cinema Campaign are putting on a series of screenings in December and January.

The Campaign had hoped to hire the David Lean Cinema for its first presentation, but were unable to due to the transfer of the cinema's digital projector to the Fairfield Halls made this impractical.

The intimate much-loved 68 seat venue within Croydon Clocktower, closed in April as a result of the council's major arts-related cuts and viewings were transferred to Fairfield Halls.

The first viewing will be of David Lean's 1946 classic Great Expectations. The showing at Clyde Hall, Clyde Road, is on Saturday December 10, at 7pm.

Five more of the Croydon-born director's films will be screened at The Spreadeagle in Katharine Street, at 8pm on every Tuesday in January.

Campaign Chairman Adrian Winchester said: "We hope these screening will entertain our supports and help to temporarily fill the gap left by the closure of the David Lean Cinema.

"Although we appreciate the vital contribution the Fairfield Halls makes to the arts in Croydon, it naturally places a greater emphasis on live performances than film.

"The claim the cinema is now "situated within the Fairfield Halls" appears misleading if you contrast the Fairfield's three film screenings in December with the cinema's 64 in December 2009."

Admission to the screenings is free and seats can be booked by phoning 0208 656 0168 or emailing