A firm of rogue traders been fined £10,000 for conning customers by using repainted old tiles to repair roofs instead of using new ones.

Roofing company Harringtons Construction Limited also charged one client for work that had not been done and for materials that were never used.

A trading standards investigation into the company was launched following a complaint from a West Hill resident who been quoted £16,500 by Harringtons to replace a leaky roof.

But a few months after the job was finished, the leak began again and when the owners complained they were given the cold shoulder.

Councillor Jonathan Cook, the council’s consumer protection spokesman, said: “Companies that are tempted to engage in such sharp practices should be under no illusion about the fate that awaits them if we get to hear about it.”

The resident told of second-hand guttering being used, tiles fixed with screws, not nails, damaging them and rendering them more likely to leak.

Company director Ali Golpeyekar pleaded guilty to knowingly or recklessly engaging in a commercial practice which contravened the requirements of professional diligence.

At South Western magistrates last week they were also ordered to pay £3,600 in costs.

If you believe you have been swindled call 020 8871 7720 or email tradingstandards@wandsworth.gov.uk.

To obtain a list of approved traders visit trustmark.org.uk or call 01344 630804.