Former motor racing world champion Damon Hill is urging young drivers to take care as part of a road safety campaign.

The 1996 Formula One world champion attended a performance of the Safe Drive Stay Alive stage show at Dorking Halls where a road traffic collision is enacted showing how emergency services deal with the incident.

The show includes stories from members of the public who have lost a young loved one.

Speaking ahead of last week’s National Road Safety Week, Mr Hill said: “I’m the father of four children and I want the roads to be safe for them. That’s why I will continue to support this fantastic initiative.

“I’ve seen this show nearly every year since it started and believe me it doesn’t get any easier to watch.”

Councillor Kay Hammond, Surrey Council’s community safety spokesperson, said: “Safe Drive Stay Alive is all about making the roads safer for young people.

“It is vital that we continue with this initiative in order to keep young drivers, their passengers and other road users safe.”

More information about Safe Drive Stay Alive, including a film, can be found at