By Councillor Andrew Judge, Merton Council cabinet member for environmental sustainability and regeneration (Labour, Abbey ward)

The controlled parking zone (CPZ) that covers Clarendon, Fortescue and Devonshire Roads is an extension to an existing CPZ and is therefore subject to the same hours of operation across the zone.

When implementing this extension an informal consultation was carried out to determine the views of local residents.

Very few comments were made regarding shorter hours and the majority supported the proposed CPZ.

Following this informal consultation a statutory consultation was then carried out and no objections were received.

Based on the outcome of these consultations and the recommendations received I took the decision to put the CPZ in place as it was.

If the council was to consider shorter hours, it would need to undertake a further consultation and to make these roads a parking zone of its own which would restrict residents in terms of parking capacity.

It is also worth noting that the existing zone and its hours was reviewed and the residents were consulted.

The outcome was that residents were satisfied with the hours of operation and did not want any change.

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