The full list of candidates set to fight it out at the Coombe Vale double byelection has been announced.

Among the 11 nominated contenders are a father and daughter team and two candidates standing for the second year running.

Coombe Vale ward lies in the Richmond Park constituency and has elected three Conservative councillors at the last two local elections.

Last year the bottom-placed Conservative was only 79 votes ahead of top placed Liberal Democrat candidate Julie Haines, while the ward was split between two Lib Dems and one Conservative in 2002.

The double byelection, due to be held on Thursday, December 15, follows the resignation of councillors Robert-John Tasker and James White in October and November this year.

Coun Tasker moved to America for work and Coun White sadly died two days after his resignation on November 8.

Voting will take place at Dickerage Adventure Playground, Coombe Girls School and Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School.

For more information about the byelection visit /elections or telephone 020 8547 5026.

CANDIDATES Dr Tariq Shabbeer, 49, The Green Party: “Put simply I believe in social enterprise and community businesses.”

Chris Walker, 42, The Green Party: “What difference does another Lib Dem or Tory make. A Green candidate can have a much bigger impact.”

Michael Watson, 58, UK Independence Party: “The people of this ward deserve an independent voice to oppose the voices of the council, addressing issues like the repeated changes to New Malden high street.”

Nick Bown, 22, The Labour Party: “I'm concerned the proposed curbing of police budgets is the wrong cut at the wrong time, especially after August’s riots, and if elected will fight against Coombe Vale losing its constable. I also think tripling university tuition fees and scrapping EMA are regressive moves, and must be reversed to increase social mobility for young people.”

Ian Parker, 45, The Labour Party.

“My biggest worry at the moment is the damage that the Tory-Lib Dem government’s Health Bill is doing to our NHS, both nationally and right here in Kingston. And my other great political passion is housing. Give someone a decent home environment, and I believe it can have a positive impact on almost every other part of their lives.”

Roger Glencross, Christian Peoples Alliance: “Residents cannot afford the badly managed spending on the New Malden High Street renovation programme. Our area deserves better than the push-me pull-you politics of the local Liberal Democrats and Conservatives.”

Philippa Hayward, Christian Peoples Alliance: “We will be highlighting the impact of cuts on mothers, working women and on the most vulnerable, especially the closure of Rose Lodge in New Malden and through increased waiting times at Kingston Hospital.”

Lynne Finnerty, 58, The Conservative Party: “I’ve lived in Coombe Vale for over 30 years and I will give the same determination and commitment to represent you that I have given to my previous campaigns.”

Julie Pickering, 51, The Conservative Party: “Having lived in Coombe Vale for 22 years as a business professional, wife, mother and carer, I look forward to continuing meeting and talking to local residents.”

Kamala Kugan, Liberal Democrat: Very importantly for Kamala, she wants to see a good start for every child in the borough; opportunities for young people to reach their full potential; to support mothers with young children and to help empower the elderly to lead independent lives for as long as possible.

Rupert Nichol, Liberal Democrat: Rupert has a strong interest in public transport and wants to give something back to the community in which he lives. Both he and Kamala want to see the streets and local environment improved after years of Conservative neglect.