The Liberal Democrats have selected their London Assembly candidate for the Merton and Wandsworth constituency ahead of next May's elections.

Lisa Smart was selected following a recent hustings event in Wimbledon for local party members.

Commenting on her selection, Lisa, who has lived in Wandsworth for ten years, said: "I feel really honoured to have been chosen by local Lib Dem members to campaign for the people of Merton and Wandsworth at next year's elections.

"Liberal Democrats on the London Assembly have a strong track record of standing up for Londoners on the issues that matter, they have held successive mayors to account on everything from transport to housing.

"People I speak to on the doorstep in Merton and Wandsworth feel really let down by their local Assembly Member. Not one person we surveyed recently even knew who he was!

"I'm really looking forward to listening to local people and campaigning to put great Liberal Democrat ideas, such as the "One Hour Bus Ticket" into practice."

Lisa joins the Liberal Democrat 2012 team alongside mayoral candidate Brian Paddick and leader of the Lib Dems on the London Assembly, Caroline Pidgeon.

Lisa is a governor for a local school and trustee of an international development charity based in Wimbledon.