A Croydon theatre company has donated £480 to those affected by the riots.

Breakfast Cat Theatre Company's Halloween Double Bill raised money for the Mayor's charity Croydon Recovery, which was set up after the August riots.

Money has also been donated to Roy's TV Shop on Cherry Orchard Road, which was heavily looted during the riots.

On Thursday, December 1, Roberto Prestoni and Tony Bannister, who played characters in both plays Hammer Sandwich and Yea, This House is Haunted, presented cheques to the Mayor, Councillor Graham Bass and Roy Saunders.

The money was divided between the charities, with £304.13 donated to Croydon Recovery, the amount needed for them to achieve their target of £2,500.

The remaining £175.87 was given to Mr Saunders.

The Halloween double bill took place over three nights in October, at the Scream Lounge in South End.