Hundreds of homes have been left without phone or internet access after vandals ‘maliciously cut’ cable.

The incident is believed to have happened late on Saturday, December 3 or early on Sunday, December 4, when cable on Chantilly Way near Southfield Park Primary School was cut causing disruption to 350 homes across Epsom.

Homes in Clarendon Park, Horton Crescent, Cavendish Walk and Norris Close are known to have been affected.

Some residents’ service will return today but engineers have said it will take until Wednesday, December 7, before everyone is back online. A spokesperson for BT said: “Sometime late 3rd or early 4th we had a maliciously cut (not stolen) cable on Chantilly Way, near Southfield Park Primary School, Epsom.

“We needed to renew around 100m of cable in order to repair the damage.

“People’s service should start coming back today, but it will take us until probably end of Wednesday before everyone is back on.

“Our engineers are working 24/7 to try and restore service as soon as possible and we have received reports of faults from around 350 customers.

“On the issue of compensation, this is something which customers need to speak to their service providers about once their line is restored.”

Have you been affected?

Call 020 8722 6346 or email