A husband stabbed his wife after she left him following a row because he played too much Playstation 3, a court heard.

Aymen Korbi, 21, is accused of stabbing his wife Aida, 21, as she ran clutching her one-and-a-half-year-old son from their home in Coniston Court, Harcourt Road, Wallington.

Croydon Crown Court heard Mrs Korbi was rushed to hospital after she was stabbed in her spine on November 24 last year.

It followed a row the previous night between the couple over how much he was playing on the games console.

She told the court she told him she was leaving him because he did not believe he was "able to change his ways" and she "couldn’t take the arguments any more."

The next morning she was preparing a bag to leave, when he got angry and smashed a mirror on the bedroom floor, she told the court.

She told the court: "He found the sharpest bit of the mirror and came towards me saying if I was going to leave he was going to kill me."

He snapped her mobile phone and sim card in half after he found she had tried to raise the alarm by secretly calling both her mother and mother-in-law, she told the court.

Mrs Korbi ran from the house after her mother arrived at the front door to check if she was ok, she told the jury.

She got several metres before she felt a punch to her back and her head, she told the court.

The court heard she fell to the floor before escaping to a friend’s house. She told the jury: "That’s when I felt my back go funny. That’s when I realised I had been stabbed."

The young mum was rushed to St George’s Hospital by paramedics, while Mr Korbi was arrested later in a park with a cut to his hand.

Andrew Ramsubhag, prosecuting, said when asked by police "Are you the one who stabbed your girlfriend?", Mr Korbi had replied "yes".

Mr Halloes, defending Mr Korbi, said the couple's relationship had deteriorated after Mrs Korbi had been obsessive and jealous of her husband having any contact with other women.

Mr Korbi, denies one count of causing grievous bodily harm. The trial continues.