A series of unusual events surrounding a car crash has led the police to reopen the investigation.

When Danny Aina, 39, from Sutton, got off a train in Wallington with his friend at 1am on February 12, little did he know his car lay strewn across a road in Hackbridge.

As he was leaving the train, Mr Aina claims he came across a woman, aged about 18 to 21, who looked upset while talking on her mobile phone.

Mr Aina, who is a manager of an electrical wholesaler, heard the woman say down the phone: "why has he smashed up my car?"

The woman told Mr Aina she was going to her dad’s house because her boyfriend had smashed up her car on his way to pick her up at the station.

The woman’s father lived in Hackbridge; where Danny and his friend were travelling to, so the three of them decided to share a cab.

At the junction of Nightingale Road and London Road, Mr Aina saw a Lexus in the middle of the road and his Saab had been crashed into and pushed onto the pavement.

Mr Aina immediately paid the cab fare and jumped out.

He said: "Being in such shock at seeing the state of my car, I did not even think at the time that this might have been connected to the girl."

A witness proceeded to tell Mr Aina that when the man in the Lexus realized he could no longer drive the car he said "you haven’t seen me, I wasn't here" and ran off.

He said: "Next time this driver does it, which he probably will, if he gets away with it, someone could be seriously injured or killed.

"They’ve completely written my car off."

The car which crashed into Mr Aina’s was reported as stolen.

Mr Aina became frustrated with the investigation so he used the name the police had given him of the owner of the Lexus and searched for her on Facebook.

After looking at her profile picture, Mr Aina thinks the owner of the Lexus which crashed into his car was the girl he shared the taxi with that night and it was her boyfriend who was driving.

A police spokesman said: "New information has come to light and we will be following up this information and making appropriate enquiries.

"Police will always consider re-opening an investigation when new and relevant information becomes available."