OLD COULSDON WI: Cameron Hall, Canon's Hill, Old Coulsdon. Meet second Monday every month at 2pm. Guests welcome, 75p.
POETS ANONYMOUS: Poetry in the Primary Room, United Reformed Church, Addiscombe Grove, Croydon. 8645 9956.
POETS ANONYMOUS: Poetry at the Dog and Bull, Surrey Street, Croydon. 8645 9956.
SANDERSTEAD WI: United Reformed Church Hall, Sanderstead Hill, Sanderstead.
CROYDON YOGA CLUB: Friend's Meeting House, 60 Park Lane, Croydon. Classes for mixed abilities every Monday from 6.30pm. 8668 7436.
LINE DANCING: St John's Church Hall, Marlpit Lane, Old Coulsdon, Mondays, 8.15pm-10pm. Salvation Army Citadel, Booth Road, Croydon, Tuesdays, 10.30am-11.30am. St Swithuns Hall, Grovelands Road, Purley, Tuesdays, 1pm-2pm. 01737 551797.
CROYDON SOCIAL LANGUAGE CLUB: Function room at Swan and Sugar Loaf, South Croydon. Informal conversation groups in French, German, Spanish and Italian. Also English conversation for native speakers of these languages. All ages and all standards. Every Monday at 8pm. 8657 1796.
LADIES BADMINTON CLUB: St Andrew's Large Hall, Lower Coombe Street, Croydon. Experienced players only, sorry no beginners. 7.30pm-9.30pm weekdays or weekends. 8657 5037.