CROYDON HF RAMBLING CLUB: Walks every Sunday, meet at East Croydon Railway Station, 9.30am for travel by train or car. Rambles are 10-12 miles in length with lunch stop at a pub. Enjoy the fresh air, explore your local countryside and meet new people.
CROYDON CHA RAMBLING CLUB: Tuesday evening walks. Four miles or less and all walks start at 7pm. Guest walkers welcome. 8651 5494.
BEGINNERS BIKE TRAINING: South Norwood Country Park. Every Saturday at 9.30am. 8771 5955 or 8763 1218.
BIKE RIDES: Shurguard Building, Brighton Road, South Croydon. Every Sunday at 9am. 8771 5955.
SPRING PARK TRAVEL AND SOCIAL CLUB: Wickham Hall, Sussex Road, West Wickham. Monthly afternoon meetings from 2.30pm-4.30pm. Age group 50 plus, speakers and activities including short mat bowls and table tennis, outings, lunches and holidays. First visit free then £1 entry. Peggy 8777 7871.
PURLEY YOUTH PROJECT: 706a Brighton Road, Purley, in the grounds of United Reformed Church. Childrens Club, 7-12 years of age, Wednesdays , 5.30pm-7pm. Call 07985 109974.