The dangers of buying and using age-restricted products such as knives and solvents have been highlighted thanks to a collection of posters created by the borough's school children.

Year six pupils from across Croydon designed and produced the posters after council trading standards officers visited their schools.

Last Thursday Croydon Mayor councillor Janet Marshall visited Ashburton Library in Shirley Road - where 100 of the designs will go on show until tomorrow (Thursday) - to judge the winning entry.

Pupils from Ashburton School helped judge the works as the school is the latest to sign up to Croydon's Citizencard scheme.

Youngsters aged between 11 and 18 years old who are in full time education can sign up to the scheme and receive a free proof of age card.

The council is working with all senior schools in the borough to introduce the card and is encouraging all shops to ask for and check ID before selling age-restricted goods.

If you are concerned about a shop that is selling age-restricted goods to underage children call the council's trading standards service on 020 8407 1310.

Alternatively if you are a retailer or licensee and you require more advice on preventing illegal sales call 020 8407 1311.