I read with horror and disbelief the draconian and philistine actions of Croydon Council in its decision to axe the Warehouse Theatre grant.

In its short-sightedness the council will be losing a thriving cultural centre which is a landmark on the international theatrical scene. It is barbarians at the gates and for the good of Croydon, the decision must be reversed.

Council leader Mike Fisher only thinks in budgets and balance sheets. But he fails to realise that the Warehouse brings money into Croydon through tourism and enhances the area's cultural image.

It is also hypocritical for the Warehouse Theatre to be singled out where similar cuts are not proposed at the Croydon Clocktower.

The Clocktower receives far more subsidy than the Warehouse Theatre ever has. Also, the council's unwanted plan to install a 12,000 seat arena has cost taxpayers - money that could have been spent reducing the council's deficit.

Also, where is the reduction of councillors' allowances or axing the money they spent on biscuits for council meetings?

Finally, where was the consultation? Never mind that the Warehouse Theatre itself found out of the decision from the Croydon Guardian - there was no public debate, no questionnaire and the decision goes against cultural and community strategies.

The decision is reckless and dangerous and must be reversed.

Simon Reilly Received by email