We are appalled to read of the decision to withdraw the grant paid to the Warehouse Theatre by Croydon Council. We have long supported this unique venue and the truly exceptional productions they have staged in such limited premises.

This is a veritable jewel in the culture and arts provision in the area and it would be a crime to cause its demise for want of what amounts to a drop in the ocean from the funds of the council.

We are all very aware of the huge amounts of money that have been misused and misspent by the last council; no doubt belts are being tightened to compensate for the debts that were left behind.

We are not at all happy that the facilities provided for the community are being short changed to alleviate the strain on the funds caused by councillors' financial inadequacy and/ or personal excesses. We suggest you re-examine who exactly should be made to pay for the poor state of the coffers.

JOHN SILK Received by email