There is no horse in Sutton's school meals, parents and children have been reassured.

The council says it has assurances the beef supplied to primary and special schools in the area is uncontaminated while none of the borough's secondary schools are aware of any problems.

A Sutton Council spokesman said: "Following national press coverage of beef products being contaminated with horse meat, we would like to reassure parents that the beef and beefburgers used by Sutton Catering in the primary and special schools are provided by one nominated supplier, who has full traceability of the beef purchased.

"We can confirm that there should be no risk of contamination, as all the beef they purchase is sourced from UK suppliers.

"No ready meals are used as the lunches are freshly prepared by the catering staff."

Enquiries did not reveal any concerns in Sutton's secondary schools although Harrisons, which caters for Cheam High School, refused to comment.