Teachers have been on the receiving end of 57 deliberate assaults by schoolchildren in the past five years, according to Kingston Council.

The figure, relating to attacks between January 2008 and December 2012, does not include assaults by children with special educational needs or from special schools.

By comparison, Department for Education statistics show in academic years between 2008-09 and 2011-12 there were 72 fixed-term exclusions handed out across all schools – primary, secondary and special – for physical assaults against adults.

Tony Browne, principal officer for the National Union of Teachers, said: “In an area such as Kingston I would expect it to be quite low.

“It has a major impact on staff. We get teachers who, after one or two assaults, seriously consider if they are in the right profession.”

In special schools, he said, teachers have specific training which prepares them for such situations.