Year three children at Thames Ditton Junior School worked side by side with year 2 children from nearby Thames Ditton Infants School this month, to solve some floor-sized puzzles.

The Happy Puzzle Day, held on Monday, June 8, at the junior school in Mercer Close, was organised by the junior school and the infants school in Church Walk to familiarise the year 2 pupils with the other school, where many will head this September.

The event also gave both schools the chance to incorporate into the day some practical elements of the national curriculum in a fun environment for the children.

Nick Fry, headteacher of Thames Ditton Junior School, said: “Pupils from both schools had a thoroughly enjoyable time, solving all sorts of puzzles and working together to find solutions.

“Taking the important areas of the national curriculum and approaching them in a fun, interactive setting is a rewarding and successful way to engage students of all abilities.

“The day also worked well to help the attending year 2 pupils become familiar with the school environment, as well as making some friends in year 3, who will be there when they join in September.”

The puzzles were provided by the Happy Puzzle Company, an independent company set up to provide schools with puzzles and other fun challenges for kids.

The activities are aimed at improving thinking and team skills, while boosting confidence in the process and raising expectations of what can be achieved in the classroom.

Challenges are age appropriate and link to a variety of areas across the curriculum.

They are available for children at key stages 1, 2, 3 and 4, as well as for students in the 16 to 19 age group.

The activities are also suitable for students with special educational needs.

Schools interested in booking a Happy Puzzle Day should visit for more information.

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