A Sellincourt School student won a coveted swimming trophy, despite only learning to swim this year.

Naomi Carter, who was born deaf, started swimming lessons with her teacher, Mrs Coombes, at Merton Swordfish Swimming Club, based at Wimbledon Leisure Centre, earlier this year.

Despite limited practice, the talented 10-year-old won the Japley Trophy after her winning swim at Streatham Swimming Baths two weeks ago.

Naomi’s disability means she cannot hear the race’s starting gun, but judges used a flag for her race.

Mrs Pitt, Naomi’s teacher at Sellincourt, Tooting, said: “When Naomi first brought the cup home everyone at the school was astounded as it was her first gala.

“It’s great for the school and hopefully Naomi’s achievement will inspire many other children with similar disabilities to get involved in swimming.”

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