An expert in smooth muscle physiology has told students that fighting off bureaucrats is a key to a successful academic life.

Professor Thomas Bolton spoke after being awarded an honorary doctorate in science from Kingston University for his work on smooth muscle cells, which help keep the body’s organs working.

Speaking at the ceremony on November 15, he said: “Understand everything you do 100 per cent at each and every stage, be prepared to work long hours, be almost zealot-like in your approach, learn how to fight off bureaucrats - only then will you have the drive and knowledge to succeed."

Dr Nick Freestone, principal lecturer at Kingston University's faculty of science, engineering and computing, said: "Professor Bolton displays an intellectual curiosity which is hard to surpass and has been a good friend to Kingston University over the years, especially in terms of his generosity and willingness to help.”

He helped set up the master of pharmacy course run by Kingston University and St George's, University of London.