The Mayor of Sutton went back to school for National School Meals Week.

The Mayor and Mayoress of Sutton joined pupils from Cheam Common Junior School for lunch on November 7.

They tucked into a healthy lunch of meatballs and pasta with roasted, seasonal vegetables.

Throughout the week, a series of themed days aimed to encourage pupils to eat school meals.

More than 5,000 children at schools across the borough joined in and themes included: travelling, Italian food; Five-a-Day and a 1940s themed meal to mark Remembrance Day.

Mayor of Sutton, Councillor Gerry Jerome, said: “As the mayor I get invited to lunches by various organisations across Sutton, and I was very impressed with what was served up at Cheam Common Junior School. It was delicious, and judging by the number of clean plates at the end of the lunch break, the children enjoyed it too.”