Two hundred pupils from Bromley High School took part in a concert at Southwark Cathedral last week performing The Armed Man, a mass by Welsh composer Karl Jenkins.

The mass was originally commissioned by the Royal Armouries Museum for the Millennium celebrations and was dedicated to the victims of the Kosovo crisis.

It is is an anti-war piece and is based on the Catholic war mass.

Louise Simpson, headteacher at Bromley High School, said: “Words are not enough to describe the powerful performance, musically and dramatically, illustrated by an incredible range of images. ‘ “The Armed Man by Karl Jenkins, had our hearts racing and emotions running high.

“Enormous congratulations to every single performer and to everyone who contributed to the production in any way. Mrs Ridgeway, our director of music, directed with aplomb, and I cannot thank her enough for her excellent leadership of this, and so many other fabulous musical events.”