The Ryman Premier season is only six games old but Met Police boss Jim Cooper is already planning sweeping changes to his side.

After returning from holiday ahead of Saturday’s trip to Bognor Regis, Cooper admitted to being “shocked” at how bad the side played in a 2-0 defeat.

Even a 2-0 win over Harrow Borough on Monday will not stop Cooper wielding the axe and bringing up to four new players – he currently has lodged seven-day approaches to two players.

The drastic move comes on the back of eight points from 18 and a mid-table berth of 13th.

He said: “Bearing in mind how good we were in pre-season, it was a surprisingly bad start to the season.

“I had no input on the Bognor game but I went to watch and was shocked at how poor we were.

“I knew it would take time for the team to gel but the difference between pre-season and Saturday was immense.

He added: “We have a philosophy of playing football at all times, but for some reason, I don’t know if it is a confidence thing or an ability thing, that has all disappeared.

“On Monday we changed things and went more direct, it was not pretty football to watch, but we needed a result just to get the lads feeling better about themselves.”