With barely six weeks to go until the World Cup kicks off, we want to hear your stories on football-mad behaviour.

Do you know of anyone going that extra mile to follow their team in South Africa? Perhaps you know someone who went to every match England played in this qualifying campaign, or even saw them win the 1966 final at Wembley?

Possibly your school, business or local pub is doing something special to mark the occasion.

Maybe you’re not even following England or perhaps you’re planning on ignoring the World Cup altogether.

Whatever quirky story you’ve got to tell, we want to know about it – and feel free to tell us where you’ll be watching most of the games.

Has Dad rigged up the shed in the back of the garden as a kind of World Cup portal, which he’s not planning on leaving until after July 11?

If you’ve got anything to tell us, e-mail sports@london.newsquest.co.uk, and we’ll be in touch.

This is your chance to scream for your team in South Africa!