Wimbledon returned to winning ways with a 33-22 victory over Chobham on Saturday - due largely to their dominance in the set scrum, some fine finishing by the backs and a significantly reduced penalty count over recent weeks.

Having one of the better referees of the season certainly helped in this respect.

But things didn’t get off to a great start for Wimbledon with Chobham’s Frost scoring a try after just two minutes and a second - after an interception by Monaghan - coming two minutes later.

A penalty from Leon Driscoll steadied the ship and reduced the deficit to 10-3, and seven more points followed soon after when an awesome Wimbledon five metre scrum yielded a penalty try, converted again by Driscoll.

Good covering back by lock Brett Box saved a certain try after a fine Chobham kick put the ball deep into Dons’ 22, and they surged back upfield.

The pack stole a Chobham scrum, scrum-half Charlie Morgan whipped the ball out across the back line, Driscoll broke clear of his man and no.10 Dan Brown finished off the move with a good try in the corner.

Moments later centre Louis Richards broke through the centre and linked with Driscoll whose perfectly timed pass gave wing Jonny Rawlinson the space to speed over for try number three. Unusually, Driscoll was wide with both conversion attempts.

From the re-start, Wimbledon looked to increase their 20-10 lead immediately with a series of powerful drives, well kept out by Chobham’s bulky forwards, but eventually replacement no.8 Julian Callanan drove over with his first touch of the ball.

Then it was Chobham’s turn to apply the pressure, pinning Dons in their 22 for 10 minutes before Jelly touched down for a try.

Dunn’s conversion made worryingly close for Dons at 25-17.

But they came straight back and a great chip over the defence by Morgan was beautifully gathered by Rawlinson and he dived over for his second try and his team’s bonus-point fourth.

Despite repeated forward drives, Wimbledon just could not get over the try-line again, but a further Driscoll penalty put them clear at 33-17.

Chobham hadn’t quite finished however, and took advantage of some daft Wimbledon penalties to regain territory, from where their pack could drive over for McMeakin to touch down for the final score of an entertaining game.

Next week Wimbledon are at home to Effingham & Leatherhead, whose recent results have been impressive after a dreadful start to the season.