Old Wimbledonians fell to a disappointing 32-23 defeat at London Exiles on Saturday.

It was a game they really should have been won leading by 13 points at half-time, but that was sacrificed in the final 12 minutes to an Exiles pack who, as well as having the better of the tight scrum exchanges, were also much livelier and together in the loose.

The game was only 10 minutes old when the home forwards made their presence felt with a pushover try from eight yards out.

However, this converted try was all the home side managed in a first half in which the Old Wimbledonians harried their opposition into numerous handling errors, James Hodgson scoring tries from two of them.

The Wimbledonians were several times under pressure on their own line, but on two of these occasions won a strike against the head to clear their lines to safety.

George Attipoe and Jamie Crone were prominent in several attacking moves which foundered when they were not able to recycle the ball quickly enough from some messy rucks.

Apart from his two tries Hodgson also slotted two two conversion and two penalties.

However, from a half time score of 20-7 the Old Boys went to sleep and were run ragged in a second half of one-way traffic in favour of the Exiles.

The tight scrums went backwards whose-ever put-in it was and the pack did not have the upper body strength or technique to to hold the home team's mauling progress.

A penalty to Hodgson following the Exiles early second half converted try maintained the lead at nine points with a quarter of the second period gone.

However, from that point regular scores to the home team gave them a further 18 points and a winning margin of nine points.

The visiting forwards gave their all but they lacked the bulk needed at even this level of league rugby. Next Saturday the Old Wimbledonians entertain Croydon who are sitting fourth in the league table.