To procrastinate is to defer or delay an action. I personally am a major procrastinator, as are many teens, which means it takes me ages to do anything, including writing this article! Because of this annoying habit I have decided to share with you a few tips to avoid you a stop at the procrastination station:

1) Stop thinking, start doing - a little bit of planning can certainly help you on your way however a lot of planning tends to have the opposite effect. Try and come up with a quick and easy plan that you can develop as you go, other wise you will set there for hours trying to make the perfect plan without even starting on the task at hand.

2) Don't blow a task out of proportion - small tasks can become huge monsters when you put them off. Either way you are going to have to do the task so you may as well buckle down and do it. By dwelling on the subject you are developing a negative attitude towards it so getting on it will change your attitude and even increase your productivity.

3) Take the first step - when you start to look too far in the future any task can seem near impossible and therefore make you feel overwhelmed. This is why it is often useful to take a task step by step. By doing this you will feel more able to accomplish what you need because it doesn't all have to be done at once. Writing an essay? How about doing the first couple of paragraphs then putting the kettle on. Come back and continue this way, a little at a time, and before you know it you've written the whole thing!

4) Start with the hardest task - just get it out of the way and you will find you become more relaxed. The relief will help you complete other tasks and actually make your whole day a lot lighter without the thought of it weighing on your shoulders. Combine this with tip three to help you get it done and you will see the difference it makes.

5) Make a decision, any decision - once you set your mind to something it makes it a lot easier to achieve. Pick a task and do it just to set the ball rolling. This will then increase your self esteem and give you more confidence to carry on ticking things off that to do list.

6) Shut off distractions - Facebook, twitter, games, music, the radio... All common weaknesses that will only prevent you completing your tasks. The simple solution is to just TURN THEM OFF! As important as it is to take breaks, by spending your time on social networks or listening to music they can often spiral out of control. If you don't trust yourself, set a timer to make sure you don't waste away the day.

7) Finish it - don't 'leave it for tomorrow' or 'finish it later' because then it is likely to never get done. Things don't always go to plan so do it while you have the time and energy. If you have already started it isn't hard to finish, especially now you've built up the momentum, so get it out the way now.

Combining these tips should be successful in helping you achieve your tasks without any time wasted. Good luck and remember that you can do it!