The fresh winter air swarms the senses and ads to the sense of elation after finishing the first DOE hike that spanned over the mountains that were Box Hill. A lung bursting hike that gave an indicator of what was coming up next n this full DOE roster. It got off to a good start; anxious faces blended in with excitement were seen everyone as we all began to prepare for a long walk. Ram packed bags with food and clothes littered the minibuses on the way as 30 nervous students finally faced the challenge that lay in front of them.  Compass and map in arm we set off, the wind at our backs.

And so it began. Up treacherous hills we trekked, taking bearings a plenty as the unrelenting hills sloped even further. We were careful not to get separated, regrouping at regular intervals. It was the start of journey which was special, for many reasons. I was surprised at the kindness of locals at this completely new environment, none like we had ever experienced. We felt like this was an opening, a view to a much better world. No wonder when we got back to the school there was a feeling of understanding that reached us all. We had done it, though there was much more to go.