People seem to be desensitised to talk about women’s rights, the effect the media have on body image and other ways women feel hard done by. Even some women think feminists are just complaining and stuck in old-fashioned views, people think equality is near enough and feminism has had its day. However, when feminism has got us so far it is our duty to upkeep all the values that those people fought so hard for. There is the much used statistic about how women earn less than men and there is a glass-celling that a woman can never get past. Additionally to this there is the stereotyping to contend with, it seems that ambition in women is not a good quality and often leads to them being isolated or having to ‘act like a man’.
There have been many examples of when women, in politics or in other jobs have been sexually harassed and felt alone in this. In the current social climate a lot of stories are appearing about women who have felt abused and upset and have had their voices silenced by men. It is alarming to see the statistics about rape, showing some women think it is their fault and a huge percentage never report it. It has also been found that women are more likely to be raped by someone they know, this complete lack of respect for women has led to some women having a complete lack of respect in themselves.
A famous woman cannot be seen without being analysed in every way and especially the way she looks. It seems that a woman cannot be taken seriously if she looks feminine but if she does not then no one will listen. Casual sexism is becoming a norm and women who protest are seen as boring and not ‘up for a laugh’. Surely in this rapidly developing World issues such as these should not still be an issue? But who will be the strong, female role models in years to come?
“Be plain in dress, and sober in your diet;
In short, my deary, kiss me, and be quiet.”
-Mary Wortley Montagu, A Summary of Lord Lyttelton's Advice