The internet is vastly expanding beyond our control with information and media being scattered through our everyday lives. I personally, am one of many that upload media to the internet, or more specifically, YouTube. I’m sure many of you who are currently reading this on the internet are aware of YouTube and the theory behind it. You and other people can upload photos for viewing by members of the general public. In practice however, it is both a hotchpotch of art, entertainment and music set against a collective of single cell organisms that make up the mass majority of the audience and people who comment on the videos.
My channel is named “WaistcoatsAndBowties” (, an acoustic duet that perform covers and originals. Although I and my friend have received positive feedback we have also received slightly less positive feedback, slightly less maybe being an understatement. People will attempt to slate all you do simply because of who you are, whether they actually enjoy the video or not is irrelevant. I’d like to say that YouTube is a place of enjoyment at all times however I have seen the battlefields of comment sections on some videos, the mass volley of abuse to certain “YouTubers” who are just trying to entertain and audience. The message is this; do not ever take any comments too personally and do not throw harsh words at somebody simply because they disagree with you or are not quite to your liking. Happy viewing!