On Thursday 7th of February 2013 the students at Bishop Thomas Grant secondary school put on a show stopping performance of the 1950s musical, “Guys and Dolls”. The play is about a gambler called Nathan Detroit and he bets another gambler, Sky Masterson a thousand dollars that he will not be able to take a local Salvation Army girl, Sarah Brown, to Cuba. Sky ends up falling in love with Sarah and tries to reform his gambling ways. When he returns back to New York, he bets all the members of the floating crap game that if he wins his roll of the dice, they will all have to go to church and repent.

The music was provided by the school orchestra and they did an amazing job. The acting and performance was absolutely breath-taking and it got the audience on their feet, especially with the song “rocking the boat”.  At the end of the play the students got a standing ovation for putting on such a wonderful play. I had the privilege of interviewing a cast member:

How much work did you put into the play?
“We put so much work into the play, we were always rehearsing and we even had to come into school during the weekends to rehearse, it was very tiring but it was definitely worth it, because all our hard work paid off and you get to form bonds with all the other members of the play, and you all get really close. It was like a big family.”

What was your favourite song in the musical and why?
“’Rocking the boat’ was DEFINITELY my favourite song in the play because it is just such an amazing and fun song. It is really up beat as well so it got the audience excited and that really encourages you while you are on stage.”

Would you do this again?
“Yes of course! Because I had such a great time and I love to sing. So being in this musical was the best thing for me. I definitely would love to be in more musicals in the future.”