The hall in Kensington Olympia was transformed into a Higher Education Convention that started on Wednesday 27th February. The event is organised by UCAS and is entirely free providing the opportunity to all students who are interested.

Lots of students in different years from different schools attended the event. The convention brings together universities and colleges from the UCAS scheme, Connexions, GAP Year organisations, student support services, professional bodies, student travel firms, student finance and lots more enabling students to pick up prospectuses and find out more about the paths they want to choose and the options they have available. It also enabled us to ask questions and find out more about the universities, colleges and various organisations from students that have been through what we’re yet to encounter. Kim Baldwin, a fellow student, enjoyed it saying “It was a really big help. I have a plan now!”

It was clearly beneficial in one way or another as many students stayed for a good durations of time. Rhiann Baptiste, another student, described it as “insightful” saying “it gave me an insight into university life and helped me explore possible career options”. Most students left looking satisfied as they travelled home carrying a lot of prospectuses and freebies that must have left their arms sore because I know mine are.

So for those who haven’t been, there’s one day left (1st March). But don’t worry if you’ve missed it this year, just get searching on the university websites, they have most of the information you need. Plus you can always sign up and go for the next event if you keep yourself updated.