Technology has advanced dramatically over the past few years with information being just one click away.

As everyone knows technology runs through an average person’s life everyday whether it be in the form of a tablet, computer, iPod or smartphone. Society now relies on technology whether it is searching the net or blending something. Technology is relied upon heavily in hospitals, such as in heart monitors; this heavy use of technology will increase over the next few years with there being more people in the world, however as technology advances the number of technological remedies do too.

Technology back in the 1970’s was nothing compared to what it is now, the idea of fun for children of those days was playing in the garden or playing with wooden toys. However in today’s day and age, fun is defined as sitting on a games console playing ‘FIFA’ or ‘GTA’. The internet was not even around in the 1970’s and so computers were of no use to anyone except businessmen or designers.

Also mobile phones have developed rapidly since 1983 when they first came out. In 1983 mobile phones weren’t very ‘mobile’; as they were bricks and so were posed as a massive problem for most people. However as phones have developed over the years they have become more complex and thinner while having been given the slogan of ‘hand held computers’. They have been ‘dubbed’ as very useful with over two billions Brits owning at least one mobile phone. This statistic shows how technology is taking over our lives.

There are some advantages of technology having a big impact on our lives: such as it is time saving e.g. it is quicker to type an essay then it is to write it out. This is one of the main reasons as to why we students love to type. Technology having a big impact on our lives creates the opportunity for people to start an online business or get a job. But the most important advantage is how technology makes our lives a lot easier than they should actually be, for example the self-checkout machines in super markets.

But there are some downsides as people believe that technology makes them anti-social so therefore ban the idea of using it to a certain extent. Also the use of technology opens students up to cyber bullying which would obviously have more of an impact on the person getting bullied as they are getting bullied at school and then at home through the computer.