Is fashion really important?

Christian Dior, Yves Laurent, Gianni and Donatella Versace and Coco Chanel. All brands you have heard of. But the question is; Is fashion really important? And the simple answer is, yes it is. Many of you would wander why and how.

Well I will tell you. All the people I listed are people who have given their lives to fashion. You may think that it is stupid but it’s simply not. Fashion could portray, influence and even suggest many things. Take Coco Chanel for an example...she was credited with the post world war I era for liberating women from the constraints of 'corseted silhouette' and popularizing a sporty, casual chic as the feminine standard of style.

Gabrielle Chanel used her needle and thread skills to stand up for women and show their power, she proved that women could also wear suits, she a WOMAN! In the 40s changed the whole perspective of feminism. Every person has their own style which is unique and beautiful in its own way. Even if you say you don’t like or care about fashion. Well, I am sorry for having to break it to you, but you yourself is fashion. The clothes you choose to wear everyday, the way you decide to style them, the accessories you wear with’s all fashion.

So back to the question. Is fashion really important? Yes it is. Everything we do is fashion. Next time you wake up and look in the mirror, remember that even the way your hair is after you’ve gotten out of’s fashion.

Nina Nikolova