A row of brightly coloured bunting, reminiscent of an earlier decade, marked the beginning of bringing a street together for the first time.

The idea of a street party was sparked by two couples who are resident on a street in South Croydon. Their remarkable efforts paid off as residents of all ages and from all walks of life enjoyed cream teas and homemade cakes brought by everyone who attended. Residents ranging from five months to ninety, (the most senior, having lived in the street since the houses were built) attended the party, and congratulated the organising neighbours for their brilliant idea.

Michael Bowler who attended the street party said, “I only recognised approximately twenty percent of the faces , even after living here for upwards of sixteen years, which is quite remarkable as there are only 23 houses on this small street. “ He said it was particularly pleasant to see children of all different ages playing together for the first time as if they’d known each other for years.

This street party shows that despite it being widely reported that community values are diminishing, there was a definite sense of community spirit and willingness for people, who otherwise might have just passed by in the street, to talk and meet together.