In August 2010, we saw news stories trickle in about a local man who terrified passengers on a number 37 bus in Peckham. Youths on the pavement video recorded his 5 minute rant at the driver and passengers, laughing and claiming the scene to be “jokes”. By the end of the video it can be seen that he 'walks' through the back door's glass pane, hence gaining the nickname “The Peckham Terminator”.

But, joking aside, it poses the question, why did no-one defend the passenger that was being abused? Has London, particularly the notorious South East, reached such a state of desperation that people are too scared to stand up for their rights in case they lose their lives? The fact that these 'terminators' can get away with literally murder, knowing that few will retaliate, is worrying to say the least. The news of countless stabbings, murders and burglaries has made it quite apparent that our city has gone down the wrong road to self destruction, particularly within the last few years.

But maybe there is some amount of hope in the midst of London's disquiet and misery. The website claims that from April to August 2010 there were “2260 fewer notfiable offences than in April to August 2009”. This certainly must provide a temporary comfort of sorts to those living within the capital.

However, the fact remains that as long as there are people willing to sit down and accept crimes against themselves and others, there will always be criminals to commit them. We might not be committing the acts of violence or theft, but if we allow it to happen, doesn't that just make us as bad as the 'terminators' themselves?